Icons representing different types of content marketing
May 24, 2023

Types of content marketing

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Content marketing is a great way to build your customer base as a new company. Creating relevant and valuable content for your target audience will attract attention and drive traffic to your website. Additionally, content marketing can help you build relationships with potential and existing customers and create brand awareness and credibility.

Types of content

Content marketing offers valuable information and builds lasting relationships with your audience. Unlike outbound advertising techniques, it avoids push notifications and disturbing announcements.

You can leverage different types of content to impact your potential customers' decisions and drive sales indirectly.

Types of content

You can choose from the list below:

Blog posts

Blog posts are a great way to share your company's story, build customer relationships, and drive traffic to your site. When writing a blog post, keeping your audience in mind is essential. Write content that is relevant and useful to them. Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions to help improve your blog's visibility in search engines. Finally, blog posts should be brief because people usually have short attention spans.


Ebooks can be a great lead-generation tool as they usually require visitors to submit a form containing their contact information. They are generally longer and more comprehensive than other types of content, such as blog posts or infographics. When creating an ebook, it's essential to consider the format most beneficial for your target audience. For example, if they are short on time, a PDF may be more appropriate than an online flipbook. Customize your ebooks according to the funnel and provide relevant info.

Case studies

Case studies are an excellent way to showcase your company's successes. They provide potential customers with real-world examples of how your products or services have helped solve problems. When writing a case study, include specific details and results. This will help your case study be more relatable and believable.


Templates can be a valuable content piece for your audience. They provide a starting point or foundation for readers to create their content. For example, if you offer content marketing services, you could provide a template for creating a content marketing strategy. This would give your audience a starting point and help them to develop their content marketing plan.


Infographics are a great way to visualize data or complex concepts. They are used to explain a process, share statistics, or tell a story. When creating an infographic, be sure to use clear and concise language.

Additionally, use high-quality visuals to make your infographic more engaging.


Videos are a powerful content marketing tool. They tell your company's story, showcase your products or services, or provide helpful tutorials. When creating a video, be sure to keep your target audience in mind. Please choose a topic that is relevant and interesting to them. Use descriptive titles and tags to help improve your video's visibility in search engines.


Podcasts are a great way to reach a broad audience. They offer an alternative to people who dislike reading or those who like consuming content on the go. When creating a podcast, it's essential to consider your target audience. Please choose a topic that is relevant and interesting to them.

Social media posts

Social media posts are a great way to connect with your audience and share your company's story. Write content that is relevant and useful to your specific audience. Use engaging visuals and calls to action to help improve your post's visibility and engagement. You can use visuals, videos, or short descriptions per the need of your platform.

How-to Guides

Guides are an excellent way to share your company's expertise. Use them to teach your audience about a particular topic or help them solve a problem. When writing a guide, be sure to include specific instructions and examples. This will help your audience follow along and practice your company's advice.

Surveys/ Testimonials

Surveys are a great way to collect data from your target audience. They can gather feedback about your products or services, understand customer needs, or track trends. When creating a survey, be sure to choose a tool that is easy to use and provides data in a format that is easy to understand. In addition, use engaging visuals and calls to action to help increase response rates.

Original Research

Original research is a valuable content piece for your audience. It provides them with insights that they can't get anywhere else. When writing original research, be sure to include data and sources. This will help your audience understand your findings and give them confidence in your conclusions.


Most people prefer videos to other forms of content; Hubspot research revealed that at least 54% of people want to watch videos from their favorite brands. With the growing trend of shorts and reels, follow suit and create short, attention-grabbing videos. 

User-generated content

User-generated content is an excellent method of content marketing because it actively involves customers. When people see others like them responding and participating, it piques their interest in your business. User-generated content enhances brand authenticity and builds a sense of customer community and trust. It serves as social proof, showing potential customers that real people are satisfied and engaged with your products or services.


Checklists are a valuable form of content that offers a structured and practical approach to ensure thoroughness. They provide a clear roadmap that helps individuals stay organized and focused. They serve as a visual guide, outlining essential points and helping your target audience walk through their issues. 


Memes are impactful content that humorously expresses ideas, emotions, and social commentary. They unite people through shared humor, quickly spreading across social media platforms. Memes capture trends and shape public discourse concisely and engagingly, reflecting the digital age's creative and connected culture. They would work great with your young audiences. 

To perfect your content, you have to consider a few steps.

Best practices

Choose the ideal format for your niche

Tailor your content format to your niche for maximum impact. Consider the strengths and limitations of different formats and select the one that effectively conveys your message and engages your target audience. 

This doesn’t mean that you can’t choose different formats. However, focusing on two to three types is wise to maximize your efforts. 

For example, if you’re offering cooking recipes, your audience will definitely appreciate a written recipe they can check at any time. Still, videos can be a great asset here as well. 

Use formats your audience already uses

Your audience research and buyer personas drafts should give you a clear idea of what content formats your target audience prefers the most. 

Capitalize on your unique qualities

If you are uncertain about which format to choose, we recommend you select the format that best aligns with you and your team's strengths and capabilities. By leveraging your skills and expertise, you can create content that effectively showcases your unique talents and resonates with your audience. Remember, your chosen format should cater to your niche and empower you and your team to deliver natural and authentic content.

Content marketing: How to get started?

Content marketing requires careful planning and execution to be successful.

Understand your target audience

Content marketing revolves around producing valuable content that meets the needs of your audience. To grasp their pain points, ask these essential questions: Who are they? What are their concerns? What information do they seek? Understanding these aspects will guide you in crafting content that resonates and provides true value to your audience.

Define your brand

Ensure you clearly define your brand in alignment with the customer profile. Your content must communicate your brand's values so people memorize and associate themselves with it.

Create a content marketing strategy

Research by the Content Marketing Institute found that companies with a content marketing strategy are more likely to meet their goals.

Work on a strategy to guarantee success:

  • Determine your goals
  • Specify your KPIs
  • Choose the type of content in alignment with your audience and distribution platforms.
  • Produce editorial calendars to maintain consistency

Content marketing is an ongoing process that requires continual planning and execution. So once you've created your content, promote it through different channels, such as WhatsApp,  and measure its performance to adjust and improve your content marketing strategy over time. 

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